About the DCOB

The Democratic Citizens of Berwyn was founded in 2006 with the goal of putting people before politics. Several DCOB candidates took office during a turbulent time in our nation’s history, and while many cities just survived the Great Recession, under great leadership, Berwyn came out stronger than ever. Empty storefronts have been filled with quality businesses, leading to increases in job creation and sales tax revenues. Programs for children, adults and seniors have been expanded to improve recreation, education and resident assistance.
Today, the slate of your DCOB elected officials aim to continue in that tradition. Your support is essential in ensuring the best possible service from your local government.
The Democratic Citizens of Berwyn prides itself on being the true party of the people. As our logo symbolizes, we believe in joining hands, honoring our common concerns and working together to keep Berwyn thriving and strong.
DCOB is by no means a monolithic organization. Identity politics – the politics of division – has no place here. Instead, we welcome wide participation. We embrace as valued team members not only Democrats, but members of other political parties. We do this because we recognize – as friends and allies – all those willing to work with us as a team for our shared goals for our beloved city. And this broad, diverse coalition – bringing together the talents and enthusiasm of a great variety of Berwyn residents – is indeed something to be proud of and a source of great strength.

focus on your health
Science-based guidance will continue to drive our response to the pandemic, to help protect you and your family's health.
economic responsibility
Smart policies will help drive economic growth that can be invested back into improving our neighborhoods and services.
Learn more about Mayor Lovero’s Debt Management Plan VIEW HERE
a safe, clean city
Improving public safety means supporting, not defunding, the police, as well as working with city services to address issues quickly.
Read more about how safety is important to us. VIEW HERE
Voter involvement is key to the success of our campaign. Take the first step by joining us!

On behalf of the members of the Illinois Municipal Police Association Berwyn Chapter Local #1 we are honored ... read more